
Automated Vapor Smoothing

Zortrax Apoller is a desktop vapor smoothing device that delivers industrial-grade performance. Its smoothing process is controlled by specialized algorithms, ensuring that FDM 3D printed models achieve a finish comparable to injection molded products.

Post-Processing Type

Vapor Smoothing

Compatible Technology

FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling)

Technical Specifications

Zortrax Apoller is compatible with models printed on various 3D printers, including FDM, FFF, LPD, and LPD Plus. It works with filaments based on ABS, HIPS, and ASA, regardless of the manufacturer, as long as pure acetone or pure MEK solvents are used.

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Smart Vapor Smoothing

Automated Post-Processing

The vacuum system in Zortrax Apoller maintains the pressure inside the smoothing chamber lower than the external pressure, even after the solvent has vaporized. This ensures that the vapors remain inside the chamber instead of being expelled.


Flexible Manufacturing Plants

Flexible manufacturing plants with 3D printing farms enable cost-efficient handling of low to medium-scale production in-house, allowing for on-the-fly adjustments. When combined with Apoller post-processing devices, these setups can deliver product quality comparable to injection molding.


Advanced Safety System

Zortrax Apoller ensures industrial-class reliability through careful engineering and redundancy measures. The device is double-sealed from the environment, maintaining lower pressure in the smoothing chamber than the room to prevent fumes from escaping. Even during power outages, an electromagnetic lock keeps the chamber closed, automatically decontaminating it when power is restored before allowing access.


Enhanced Vapors' Circulation and Condensation

In the Zortrax Apoller smoothing chamber, vapors circulate upward to evenly cover the models. Delicate and intricate details receive a reduced amount of solvent to preserve their shape. Afterward, the condensation system collects excess solvent for reuse.


Flexible Manufacturing Plants

Flexible manufacturing plants with 3D printing farms enable cost-efficient handling of low to medium-scale production in-house, allowing for on-the-fly adjustments. When combined with Apoller post-processing devices, these setups can deliver product quality comparable to injection molding.


Advanced Safety System

Zortrax Apoller ensures industrial-class reliability through careful engineering and redundancy measures. The device is double-sealed from the environment, maintaining lower pressure in the smoothing chamber than the room to prevent fumes from escaping. Even during power outages, an electromagnetic lock keeps the chamber closed, automatically decontaminating it when power is restored before allowing access.


Enhanced Vapors' Circulation and Condensation

In the Zortrax Apoller smoothing chamber, vapors circulate upward to evenly cover the models. Delicate and intricate details receive a reduced amount of solvent to preserve their shape. Afterward, the condensation system collects excess solvent for reuse.

Surface Treatment

Smart Vapor Smoothing (SVS) technology smoothly refines surfaces on with automated control of temperature, pressure, and solvent vapor concentration in the Apoller's chamber.

Smooth and Ready to Use

The Apoller takes care of the post-processing of FDM parts autonomously. In just 3 hours, models are smoothed and ready for use.





Zortrax Apoller is a revolutionary solution for achieving professional-quality 3D printed models with speed, ease of use, and consistent results. With its cutting-edge technology and safety certifications, Apoller is the ideal choice for those seeking efficient and high-quality post-processing.

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